A “wonk” is an individual who is deeply interested in and knowledgeable about the details of a particular subject, often one that is complex or technical. Wonks are usually experts in their field and are passionate about diving into the nitty-gritty aspects of issues, policies, or topics. They often enjoy studying, discussing, and analyzing the specifics and may be viewed as somewhat obsessive or nerdy about their area of interest.

About Me: A self-confessed Wonk

I admit it. I’m a nerd. I’m a wonk. Whatever you want to call it that’s me…

It’s hard to sum upin a single word exactly what my obsession is but when I reflected on it for a while I figured productivity was the word to describe it best. At work and during my career as a Project Manager, Program Manager and now in Management I’ve been focused on getting the most out of myself and my team.

20 Years and counting in Project Management

It’s been quite a journey so far; now 20 years into my career. After completing an interesting Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Environmental Studies I went on to complete a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning. I thought it would be a great way combine an interest in environmental solutions and business efficiency to do good work that is important to my community.

Careers don’t usually follow a straight line in my experience and mine was no different. Rather than get into city planning as many of my colleauges did I was drawn into project management. The idea of working on large infrastructure projects with known and certain outcomes was to good to pass up. I was lucky enough to get an internship in a project management office and the rest is history…

Years later I find myself in a position to share knowledge and reflect on what I’ve learned leading projects and programs in excess of $600M per year. I am certified by the Project Management Insitute as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and also as a Program Management Professional (PgMP).

Beyond work

Beyond those work accomplishments and certifications I developed a passion for self improvement in my personal and family life. I’ve become a lifelong learner on productivity topics and also in other areas of life. Not just the “let’s-check-things-off-a-list” kind, but the life-altering, “I-can-live-my-best-life” kind of productivity.

In recent years I’ve used similar approaches to productivity at work to my personal life to take on a meditation practice, maintain health and wellness and take on a new sport during COVID years (I became golf obessed). It also helps organize a busy household as any parent would attest.

Let’s face it, we could all use some additional income as we raise kids in an increasingly costly world. The thought of starting a side hustle that would be fun and interesting that could even help pay for my kids education some date seemed like a good place to invest some time.

Whether at work or at home there is nothing better than learning something new, achieving a new goals, gaining wealth for your family or finding new ways to be happy in life. 🚀

The “Ah-Ha!” Moment

In the mid ‘2000s, I was a fresh-faced project manager, knee-deep in Gantt charts, spreadsheets, project documents and team issues. I had been taking on more and more complex projects and wasn’t really sure I could keep up. There was so much opportunity but also so much at stake – I decided I needed to plow through and not let a lack of confidence and experience hold me bak.

While I had some early success with several projects, life still felt like trying to walk through a tar pit. One fateful night, I stumbled upon David Allen’s “Getting Things Done.” It wasn’t just a lightbulb moment; it was a full-on fireworks display in my brain. 🎆

By implementing GTD, not only did it improve my career but I was also ablt to knock off a few personal goals at the same time. Eventually I could see a system coming together that could yield the kind of life I wanted: purposeful, organized, successful and happy.

My Love Affair with Productivity

You see, productivity for me isn’t just about doing more; it’s about being more. It’s the conduit through which dreams transform into reality. Whether it’s completing a massive project on time and on budget or creating a website while juggling work, family, and health; productivity is the secret sauce in my view.

Without a focus on efficiency I wouldn’t be able to fit it all in and still get downtime to enjoy personal pursuites. rom planning epic family vacations to cooking gourmet meals (meal prepping is a game-changer, folks!), productivity tools and techniques have given me the gift of time. Time to spend with my loved ones, time to learn to play golf and even time to perfect my sourdough bread (yes, I hopped on that pandemic bandwagon). 🍞

Why You’re Here

Now, why does my productivity saga matter to you? Well, I’ve spent years collecting a treasure trove of tools, tips, and life hacks, all tried and tested in the battlefield of life. And I’m here to share them with you. Whether you’re a student struggling with time management, a stay-at-home parent looking to re-enter the workforce, or a CEO aiming to take your organization to the next level, there’s something here for everyone.

The Journey Ahead

So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let’s embark on this journey together. We all have the potential unlock levels of productivity we never thought posible and the benefits are real, whether it is more time with family, more income potential, time to learn a new passion, or physical or mental health.

Let’s make the most out of every tick-tock of the clock. After all, time flies, but you’re the pilot. ✈️

Cheers to a more productive you!

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